Marvin T. BrownOct 24, 2023The Protection of CiviliansA dominant theme of The Climate of Justice is that developing a social climate of justice requires the protection of civilians. Since...
Marvin T. BrownMay 10, 2022The Rule of Law vs the Law of RuleThe Supreme Court’s draft statement on abortion clarifies an issue I thought a lot about when writing A Climate of Justice: “Can...
Marvin T. BrownMar 30, 2022The War Against Contemporary and Future CiviliansAs I wrote and rewrote A Climate of Justice, my view of civilians kept changing. I thought I had a clear notion when the book was...
Marvin T. BrownMar 16, 2022Jeremiah in UkraineJeremiah has been my favorite prophet since my graduate studies at Union Theological Seminary. I think I was influenced more by Abraham...
Marvin T. BrownMar 1, 2022Ukrainian Resistance and American MemoriesWhat does watching the pain and resistance of Ukrainian civilians trigger for you? What do you remember? American memory, of course, is...
Marvin T. BrownFeb 17, 2022A Civilian’s ConditionsMuch of A Climate of Justice is about civilians. I learned about the significance of civilians in thinking about creating a climate of...
Marvin T. BrownFeb 9, 2021Thinking like a CivilianAll of us are civilians most of the time, but many of us rarely think like one. If we are to save the planet, we had better get on board....
Marvin T. BrownMay 18, 2020Afropessimism and White mastersWe all know that people read books from their own perspective, but with Frank B. Wilderson III’s book, Afropessimism, I am fully aware of...
Marvin T. BrownMar 3, 2020Who will protect us?All human communities have to do three things: provide for one another, protect one another, and find social meaning. If a community does...
Marvin T. BrownFeb 12, 2020The Climate of Justice and the Protection of CiviliansAs you would imagine, in a climate of justice civilians are protected; protected by citizens who enforce the rule of law. When one...