The United States suffers from a climate of injustice that has its origin in the Atlantic commerce of enslaving people and appropriating the land of Indigenous Americans. This social climate has never been substantially corrected because that would have threatened American prosperity. Now, the trends of American prosperity themselves threaten the planet as a livable habitat, but we cannot change these trends until we change the social climate to a climate of justice.
The Climate of Social Justice Project seeks to understand what is necessary to change this climate to a climate of justice and to support those already doing the work.
Marvin’s work has focused on social ethics and diversity in both academic and business institutions as a teacher, consultant, and writer. In 2019, Marvin received a Lifetime Service Award from the Philosophy Department at the University of San Francisco.
His open access book, A Climate of Justice, builds on his extensive work analyzing the social worlds of white supremacy and patriarchy and exploring the necessary conditions for creative and generative dialogue. Marvin lives and works in Berkeley, California.
Offers practical instructions and worksheets to facilitate constructive dialogue in the face of disagreement.
Published by broadview press, 2014
Traces the origin of an economics of dissociation in Adam Smith’s denial of the central role of slavery in wealth creation and demonstrates the advantages of switching from a property-based to a civic-based economy, which allows the development of civic systems of provision.
Published by Cambridge University Press, 2010
Analyzes five key challenges facing modern businesses as they try to respond ethically to cultural, interpersonal, organizational, civic and environmental changes. For corporations are to have integrity, they must facilitate inclusive communication patterns based on mutual recognition and civic cooperation.
Published by Cambridge University Press, 2005. Translated into Italian, Korean, and Chinese.
Develops an organizational ethic that focuses on decision making and the design of systems. It shows how attention to ethics can improve communication, resolve disagreements, and set just standards for employee-management relations-and thereby create conditions that foster greater organizational effectiveness.
Published by Jossey-Bass in 1990
Translated into Spanish and Portuguese
Provides a detailed methodology for dealing with controversial issues that first explores the observations, values, and assumptions of alternative views and then evaluates them from an ethics of purpose, principle, and consequence. Participants learn how to use disagreement as a resource for making better decisions.
Published by Prentice-Hall, Third Edition, 2003
Translated into Spanish, German and Polish.