You’re walking down the street, looking at the sky and “oops” there is mud in your eye. Why? Because you were not paying attention. The sky is full, of course, but you have to watch your step.
Let’s load up the voting rights bill with campaign reforms. Oops, mud in your eye.
Let’s get our troops out of Afghanistan. Oops, mud in your eye.
Let’s get rid of Liz Chaney. Oops, mud in your eye.
I know what you are feeling. Oops, mud in your eye.
When we work together, there’s nothing we cannot do. Oops mud in your eye.
Let’s ignore Trump’s lies. Oops, mud in your eye.
Look here: We’re the United States of America. Oops, mud in your eye.
Don’t criticize Biden, just remember he’s better than Trump. Oops, mud in your eye
It’s not that easy, especially if you believe in American exceptionalism or if you are plagued with social amnesia. If there ever was a time when we need to know where we have been and to watch where we are going. it’s now.
That's great thanks